gutter installation services in Germantown, MD

What Material is the RainDrop Gutter Guard Made Out Of?

A unique Polypropylene Blend with added UV Stabilizers.

Yes, polypropylene is a type of plastic, but is far superior to vinyl (and metal products) for many reasons.

Polypropylene is meant to be outside in the elements.

  • Used on automobiles.
  • Stays strong even in extreme sun.
  • High melting point of 320°F.
  • Does NOT absorb water, so it will NOT mold or deteriorate due to bacteria.
  • Takes a significant amount of damage before it breaks; unlikely to shatter.
  • Known for its resistance to fatigue.
  • Its chemical make up is resistant to most oils and solvents

And if you were still worried, we added UV Stabilizers to the mix to further protect it from the sun.


Montgomery Roofing MD in Germantown, MD are certified installers of the RainDrop Gutter Guards.

RainDrop Gutter Guard Systems, the best professional gutter protection in the world, is proudly manufactured in the United States by Contractor Nation, operator of the world's leading network of home improvement and home services contractors.

RainDrop Gutter Guard is Contractor Nation's newest product. Gutter overflows and clogs will never be a problem again for homeowners.

Now serving RainDrop Gutter Guard installations in Germantown, MD and surrounding areas!

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